In 2014 the Hannover auto show, many manufacturers of domestic parts and components from the exhibition brings the its advanced products, including Longzhong holdings of brake gap automatic adjusting arm is to our left deep impression. Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm in Europe and the United States has long been used in the use of drum brake of the vehicle, and the country has not yet universal, in the truck family forum we came to know, many users for brake gap automatic adjusting arm haven't clear concept, today Yuhuan County run Hao Machinery Co., Ltd. is simple and we introduce brake gap automatic adjusting arm. - what is the brake clearance automatic adjusting arm? Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm, referred to as the "automatic adjustment arm", as the name suggests, is that it can real-time, automatically adjust the brake clearance device, ensure that the brake clearance is in a suitable value, can make the brake in time, reliable, for driving safety is very favorable. Here in addition to that, the use range of the automatic adjustment arm only drum brake system. Also an ABS equipped vehicle if there is no automatic adjustment arm assembly can not be guaranteed to achieve the best results, because manual may cause different individual brake branch pump arm of force, braking force, etc.. And at present, there are some disadvantages in the application of a wide range of brake clearance manual adjustment arm in the domestic market. First, there is a certain cycle of manual adjustment, in the period of this cycle, it is the next time to adjust the brake clearance before the time, the brake clearance has been in a larger value, which may cause the brake long, brake is not timely, serious words will also cause weak braking, driving safety hazards. Secondly, manual adjustment is difficult to guarantee the consistency of each wheel clearance is higher, which may lead to deviation of the wheel and vehicle drift problems. - Europe is standard of domestic truck is seldom used In foreign countries, Europe, America and other regions of the truck, bus and trailer manufacturers have been the brake gap automatic adjusting arm as a standard fitting of a drum brake. While the domestic use is more common, and the truck on the matching rate is very low, less than ten percent. The use of foreign brands to the Haldex, accounted for the vast majority of overseas market; and the domestic market on many brands, the market share of the larger undoubtedly Longzhong, other brands we learned and Hanson, Shenquan, Ansett, buddies. In second generation automatic adjusting arm Braking gap automatic adjusting arm problems we also had a telephone interview, Longzhong Holding Group Sales Center Manager Li Ying Yang, according to Yang, general manager of introduction, as of the end of last year, automatic adjusting arm of Longzhong holdings in the domestic passenger car market share has reached 55%, in the truck market, accounting for 42%; this year Longzhong automatically adjust arm yield reached 58 million, is expected by the end of this year in the truck market share will exceed 50%. According to an industry source, the current automatic adjustment arm of the customer more from the passenger car manufacturers, truck users accounted for only a few, there is still a part of the logistics team from a small number of. The automatic adjustment arm at home did not gain popularity? First, manually adjust arm cheaper, if the change of automatic adjustment arm, count down drum brake shaft each axis of cost to increase 200-300 yuan. Equipped with automatic adjustment arm Isuzu The 50 yuan in the market price of manually adjust arm, and domestic automatic adjusting arm price at around 150 yuan, expensive some possible will reach 200 yuan, Haldex imported automatic adjustment arm price at around 260 yuan. It can be seen that the price gap between the arm and the manual adjustment arm is quite large, and a car will be used to adjust the arm, the price gap is multiplied exponentially, the user is difficult to accept it is reasonable. Second, national policy is not mandatory for trucks to install automatic adjustment arm. In the current national standard, just on bus drum brake is installed automatically adjust arm, the truck is not compulsory measures. Third, people for the safety awareness is not deep enough, the traffic safety is the biggest benefit, the accident caused by the loss and the cost of the automatic adjustment arm brought together can not be measured. Fourth, users of the automatic adjustment arm of the lack of proper understanding, some users in the use of the automatic adjustment arm after the emergence of the phenomenon of matching, coupled with high cost, it is easy to return to the old manual adjustment arm. Yuhuan County run Hao Machinery Co., Ltd. on the forum also understand a situation, some maintenance personnel on the automatic adjustment arm is not enough understanding, there will be automatic adjustment arm damage, the consequences of a lot of maintenance personnel can not touch the automatic adjustment arm, a serious obstacle to the popularization of automatic adjustment arm. The new national standard will become the standard automatic adjusting arm In October 10th this year, the national standard 12676-2014 GB "commercial vehicle and trailer brake system technical requirements and test methods" in the clear requirements, vehicle equipped with mass greater than 3.5 tons of road transport vehicles must be equipped with brake clearance automatic adjustment arm, the standard will be in July 2015 1 start, when the automatic adjustment arm will be more than 3.5 tons of road freight vehicles. The promulgation of the national standards will greatly promote the popularization and development of China's automatic adjustment arm, and make a great contribution to the safety of China's transportation. The editor: National standards are enforced by a strong push, but it is important that people have a better understanding of security, and the automatic adjustment arm can be used more and more widely. |
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